Dancing Psyduck Dauntly Reaching

Age 33, Male


Vanoss Superhero School

Honnouji Academy

Joined on 10/7/07

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Onepiece285's News

Posted by Onepiece285 - January 8th, 2009

Courtesy of Skybolt-DX, great job dude, thanks big time.

To honor his contribution to my userpage, I post this picture of Liru approving his contribution.

Sky, Liru approves of your contribution to my userpage.

Edit: Girlfriend and I are back together, which Liru also approves of. =3

New banner finally.

Posted by Onepiece285 - December 24th, 2008

This r Christmas post. Post about your Christmas. Now.


Christmas holiday.

Posted by Onepiece285 - December 2nd, 2008



Posted by Onepiece285 - November 8th, 2008

Burfday post

Now gimme all yo caek and presents 'fo I smack dat bitch ass up to da lords arena

Burfday tiem

Posted by Onepiece285 - October 8th, 2008

I feel lonely again, even though I have my girlfriend who will always love me... She's really all I have in life... I guess all this time I've been searching just for group of good caring friends that will be there, much like most of you that I know. Even though my girlfriend is the ultimate source of happiness and compassion I could ever dream of, and I feel so alive when I'm with her, you all are great too.

Sky, Sashuno, Reed, IFUN, Robotussin, TwilightFox... The list goes on... You're all my friends, and I thank you for being here. Please continue to pick me up and be my friend, all of you, I couldn't go on without my friends. I couldn't ask for better.

I love you all (either in a friendly or non-gay manner).


To all my friends on here: I need to tell you something...

Posted by Onepiece285 - September 6th, 2008

The sheer awesomeness of our school's J.V. team deserves a post of its own. When the coaches first picked this group of guys for the team, I had no idea that our season would progress the way it has. When we won our first game by a score of 8-0, I knew that this was going to be a special season.

But it didn't stop there, the next week we beat one of the best teams in our area 4-1. This was a team that, for the past 2 seasons, had had our number in every area of the game. But we made them look as if they were freshman.

Our third game was another complete blowout, with us winning 7-0. This was another good team who had beaten us last year, but we completely flipped the tables on them. It felt sweet.

The fourth game was by far the most tough for us, we were facing a team that was like twice our size, had many more players than us, and was undefeated as well. we put away 1 goal in the opening minutes, and afterwards neither team put anything else in the net. It was a very defensive game for us, but our defense is absolutely spectacular, so it was no trouble. We won 1-0.

Our fifth game, which we played this morning, was a harder game as well, but we handled the pressure well. We put 2 in the back of the net in the first half, and our defense stepped it up in the second half and kept the shutout. This was, in my opinion, an even better team than the one we had beaten 1-0. We were missing 2 of our best defenders, our best forward, and one of our best outside mid fielders. Our other players stepped up, and shut them out.

Edit one: won our sixth game today 2-1. Was a very defensive game, but as I stated previous, our defense is spectacular.

Edit two: won our seventh game today 2-0. We lost another 2 defenders for this game, but we still held firm. Was a confident win. Also Sky, I will be on MSN this weekend.

edit three: tied our eighth game today 0-0. Calling our team short handed for this one would be the understatement of the century, we were missing a score of people (no pun intended). Was a good game though, fun to watch. Our record stands at 7-0-1, 7 wins, no losses, 1 tie.

edit four: tied our ninth game today 3-3. Was a real exciting game, real back and forth. I saved a penalty kick that kept us in the game, and we played well.

I will continue to update on the season as it progresses.

This is the best soccer I've ever seen played by any team than I've ever been on. If any of you could watch one of our games, you would be transfixed by how fluid and swift the play is. Its truly a sight to behold.

Posted by Onepiece285 - August 5th, 2008

This new post is way overdue, usually I make a new one sooner than this.

I've got soccer tryouts coming up next week, so I won't be able to stay up late or sleep in anymore, which is going to absolutely turn my body clock inside out every which way. I actually want to only make J.V, because if I make varsity, then I'll be sitting on the bench for every game unless the other goalkeeper gets hurt or something. As opposed to J.V. where they don't have another keeper, so I would play every minute of every game if I were on that team. Being on varsity means nothing if you never step foot on the field.

I have maybe 2 weeks to read The Audacity Of Hope by Barack Obama and to do about 3 full units of AP U.S. History, each unit I'll have to take about 40 pages of notes front and back, so... Well, its not looking good for the start of my junior year. Why they even make us do this shit over the summer is beyond me, I mean really, summer is for enjoying ourselves, not taking 120 pages of notes for the next school year. That's just damn appalling.

I haven't been very active on Newgrounds, and the internet as a whole recently, mainly because the same routine of me waking up, turning on my laptop, and being on it until I go to bed is just getting too dull and boring. It seems as if my life hasn't gone anywhere this past month, as if I've just been using time as if it were a tool. I need some excitement in my life, need something to break this same dull endeavor that I call a typical summer day. So for that reason, I probably won't be very active here on Newgrounds much over the next year, but I will still get online, that I can assure you of.

Some of my friends have really been getting on my nerves lately. Every time I log into MSN, AIM, or Yahoo! they just decide to IM me and make my life an absolutely despicable hellhole. Its just IM window after IM window after IM window of the most random shit in the world, its honestly beyond my comprehension how people can be this agitating and this downright idiotic. Because of this, I'll probably be invisible a lot more from now on, but will still IM people who don't annoy me (that means you Sky =3) even though I'm offline to you.

This hasn't been a fun past month, and the next year will be progressively turning to shit worse and worse with each passing day.

Meh, some things.

Posted by Onepiece285 - July 4th, 2008

That's right everyone, I, Onepiece285, and well known catgirl lover Skybolt-DX, are now married! Sky asked me the very important question, and after a little discussion over MSN, we agreed that we should. On Monday the marriage thread was made, and I'd like to thank Cericon for doing the honors. I can't provide you all with a link, because the thread was deleted, probably by CumOnShit or Pox. Oh well, I assure you if you all could have or did see the thread, it was damn epic.

And Cericon, our thread was better. >=3

I hope for great things between us sky, want you to be happy. =3


Sky and I are Married!

Posted by Onepiece285 - June 25th, 2008

Well its official, Spain have won the Euro2008 trophy by a score of 1-0. The goal was scored in the 33rd minute by Fernando Torres on a breakaway. Spain was definitely the better team this match, so hats off to them, they deserved to beat Germany.

Congratulations on your second Euro title Spain.

Posted by Onepiece285 - May 26th, 2008

god damn I'll tell ya, this year really seemed to fly by quick. Seems like just yesterday it was the first day of school and I was struggling to get to my first period AP lit class... but that's all dust in the wind now, because summer is just a few weeks away! Though, it won't really seem like summer to me, because I've got soccer camp for a month for which I have to get up at 6:15 every morning, and I've got stuff to do for AP U.S. history, because my school is run by dicks who think summer break is for doing homework. oh well, that's the price I pay for wanting to do better physically and academically I suppose.

I'm also going up to Wisconsin with a friend around mid July, to a place called Afterglow, if any of you have ever been. Its a nice little place, its in the northern woods, close to the border of Michigan. There's a lake there, with a diving board platform floating in the middle, so we swim out there and play like ball tag or some childish sport to pass our time. There's a host of other events as well, including obstacle courses, pot luck days where everyone cooks something for a big feast, and a biker's breakfast where we all bike around 14 miles round trip to another area to have breakfast.

I'm also planning on going to western Illinois and Louisiana after I get my license within the next few weeks, as I have good friends there that moved, and I haven't seen them in quite some time. Seeing as how my grandma was recently put into a nursing home, she can no longer drive, so now I assume responsibility and ownership of her car. Its old and not too eye catching, buy hey, it gets amazing gas mileage, something close to 35 highway mpg or some insane number. Definitely going come in handy for all the driving and gratuitous gas prices. Another life long friend is going to be moving back to my town I just heard, after moving away about 5 years ago. I still see him now and again, but nowhere near as often as I would if he still lived here. This guy is my best friend, pretty much always has been, so its good to hear that he's going to be moving back and I can see him more again.

I hinted at this in my last post, but really didn't feel like going into detail because I'd probably lost most readers by the first paragraph (which is probably the same case here, oh well, this is for those who have patience). The first love I've ever had in my life and I are doing very well, we're very happy together, and we will always love each other (eeew lovey dovey, shut up). Once you experience the feeling of true love with someone that you deeply care about, you never really get a grasp on how good of a feeling it is to be with the one you love. I know that was the case for me, when I made that depressing poetry and whatnot news post some time back. I thought that no one would ever feel for me the way she does, but I was proven wrong the night we both realized that we were meant to be together. Long story short, it was one of, if not the best day of my life.

Don't know what else to put in this one, so I'll just post a few users that I like.

Skybolt, for obvious reasons that are innumerable.

Sashuno, because he's got an awesome forum, Chaosboards, that he runs, located here, that you all (of course not ALL, you get my point) should join, there's interesting discussion threads, image boards, etc. He's also cool on AIM, we have weird discussions about the world that would go on forever if human beings did not have the need to eat or sleep.

Reed, another fellow member of Chaosboards and a few other forums that I frequently visit, I've gotten to know him, and he's become a good friend. We talk on AIM often, more often than not our conversations have me bursting out in laughter causing my parents to come in the room asking what's so funny.

Supersexyactionfurry, owner of a couple forums I visit, and pretty cool guy, his posts always amuse me, both here and on his places. Not to mention that he has just an awesome name, hehe. keep on yiffin' ssaf.

Elios, he's got an awesome photo op thread that has not yet ceased to entertain me. I see him a lot on Paltalk, which is pretty cool. Every topic he makes is very thought out, and posted with the intent of inciting discussion, not just some random spam thread that seem to make up about 90% of the BBS these days. I always make a point to post in his threads, because they deserve to be posted in, and the whole BBS should see them.

So Newgrounds, what's going on over your summer vacation?

and that heart in her hand there is for the one I love. =3

So summer's almost here, eh? Also random stuff.