Dancing Psyduck Dauntly Reaching

Age 33, Male


Vanoss Superhero School

Honnouji Academy

Joined on 10/7/07

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I found out something today.

Posted by Onepiece285 - December 17th, 2007

I found out today that my school is infested with anime-craving retards. I see them everywhere I go, and they seem to be becoming a bigger problem than our mice infestation.

now, I can tolerate the occassional talk about next week's naruto episode, or how ichigo kicked some dude's ass. but when it gets to the point where im hearing nothing but anime-related chatter in the hallways, im sorry, but I just cant concentrate anymore.

in every corner of the school I step in there seems to be some sort of conversation going on about anime, why, the school even has an anime club. now that, thats just sickening to me. while im trying to finish up that last bit of math homework that I forgot to do the night previous, the people sitting next to me are talking about naruto and how he wants to get in sakura's pants. disturbing, to say the least.

now, I dont know about all you other people, but I believe that this is becoming a problem. sure, anime is great and all, but when you babble on about it 24/7, it really makes you want to change the channel everytime it comes on.

so newgrounds, for those of you who have actually decided to read this far, the question I pose to you is this: is there such a thing as too much anime? I for one think that yes, there is.

I found out something today.


Is there?
Well that depends. Anime is my ambition, but I don't talk about it 24/7. Your school consist of people who have no lives.

now here's a man who knows what he's talking about.

Even Narutards have a reason to exist.
They give warmth.
Especially in incinerators.


you and I both share a common thought of throwing narutards in incinerators.

for that I commend you.

your sig is anime and your name is based off an anime show(a shitty one i might add)and your complaining that people talk about anime too much.....well insulting you wont do any good so ill just post this and go back to watching good anime...like deathnote.

while my sig and name may be anime related, that says nothing about the frequency at which I talk about anime. As I said, I like anime, but I don't like it to the point where it becomes an absolute obsession. next time, either don't be so quick to jump to conclusions, or get the fuck out.

I happen to love Anime, and while i do talk about it a lot, it's not anywhere near all the time. I think for different people it's different amounts. Frankly, I'd like to get more Anime then i do now, instead of waiting for the holidays when i can watch it on Adult Swim Monday-Thursday.

Also, i don't get why everyone bags Naruto so much; seriously, the show's not that bad; okay, so it's main character is a whiner and his catchphrase makes me want to just throw him down the river but all in all, it's not that bad.

On a side-note, i wouldn't really mind if my school had an Anime club.

thank you, and g'night.

Yeah, people need to learn how to mask their Narutard levels.

someone please give this guy a cookie.

That descibes basically all of the Junior High students in my School.
All the Japense students laugh at them.

I would imagine they'd join in on the anime loving, or at least speak japanese at them.