Dancing Psyduck Dauntly Reaching

Age 33, Male


Vanoss Superhero School

Honnouji Academy

Joined on 10/7/07

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Depressing poetry time.

Posted by Onepiece285 - May 10th, 2008

I guess you could all say the following haikus would describe my emotional state as of this moment. yes, I am a haiku poet, you probably didn't know. Warning: depressing.

As I watch love,
I sit alone, unnurtured,
love-struck by hate.

How can I go home,
when home has got up and left?
She was my roof and walls.

I reach our to grasp,
but hold nothing; emptiness,
will it ever be there?

how could she drive away,
when she didn't have the means?
maybe I gave her the wheels...

Will I ever be loved?
Dunno, its hard to say,
when no one loves me back.

A heart isn't always pure,
sometimes black, broken, abused...
filled with hate and anger.

the knife, the scissors,
how they tempt me to use them,
for more than just paper.

But tonight I've found hope, hope for the future, hope that depression will release me from it crushing claws, hope that someone out there still cares about me. This convo basically sums up this newfound hope of mine.

I've edited out her full name and screen name for reasons entirely of my own, plus the factor of privacy.

and for all the faggots out there who are thinking "wow, what a fag this guy is for posting this kinda stuff in his blog, especially with a pic of a lovey-dovey conversation with a girl he knows," you people can just get the fuck off my profile now, I don't even want to hear your opinions. If you comment in this fashion, your comments will be deleted straight away. If the fact that I've finally found some form of compassion with another person is just a complete and total laugh to you, then you're the scum of the earth in my eyes, and I do hope that god smites you down the next chance he gets.

So that's it Newgrounds, a little happiness out of an overwhelming case of depression. I'm hoping that this will lead to better feeling down the road.

Depressing poetry time.


It's good that you feel compassion in your life... You're lucky :)

Thank you. if you had been feeling even remotely close to the way I was in the months leading up to this night, you would feel quite elated as well.

whos this person in real life? schoolmate?

also, that was some pretty bad writing there.

let's just say she's an old friend that I've grown close to.

and if you can't appreciate the effort I put into writing those haikus that express my true feeling of sadness at this point, then you probably can't appreciate the love that two people can have either. I really hope you find someone before you grow old and die alone.

Aww, that's sweet.
I feel you, man, and I really liked the poem.
I do feel the same way when I'm around girls I genuinely like, and I get walked away from. It's a bittersweet feeling that runs through me sometimes that makes me think that I'm all alone emotionally. That is to say that I feel totally unloved and sort of take it out on myself, forcing myself to perform good deeds for others to fill the empty void.
Good to hear someone likes you, though :3

I know. I've recently gone around messengers, asking old friends (girls) if they consider me a good friend, and gotten positive answers from 3 so far. Things are looking up I suppose.

Well, yes, in a way, I suppoise, if you're looking for female friends to hang out with. Girls are complex creatures, and if they consider you a good friend, chances are they mean oNLY a good friend. I don't mean to dishearten you, however, but merely encourage you to meet someone else. This, however, is entirely your choice, since I have no control of the matter. Who knows? You might just end up walking away with one of them as your girlfriend.

I don't care if I have a girlfriend, as long as I know that one or more girls consider me more than just some guy they hang out with, if you catch my drift.

She seems real nice.

I'd like to meet her one day.

I wish that everyone could meet her. she's such a great person.

Yeah, I catch your drift :3
I wish someone thought of me like that.
Who knows? There may be people like that in my life and I'm too oblivious to take notice.

As I've said to many friends before you, the signs are there, its up to you if you want to see them.

and now we may all join in being depressed v_v

if you can't beat 'em join 'em...?

Sigh...the exact opposite just happened to me. Oh god I feel terrible...

You feel terrible for finding love?
You feel terrible for finding happiness?
Or do you feel terrible because you're coming to rub it in my face here?
I think that's the reason you're shooting for.